
::My GossPals::

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Gosh this is something interesting...
Today we sat for our midterm examination.. since 9 o'clock this morning...
First paper would be genetic & the public.

The funny yet interesting part of it would be that at first the silence was so eery that ones
just feel like they are somewhere so secluded.....
Then, when the examiner came over and helping us out with one or two question... that place
turns into a market place. People actually walking here and there and the noises that they make..
It doesnt seems like it is an examination hall at all..

then done with that! we have to move on to another paper...
Back to our school... SSS
this time around it's kinda quiet tho since En. Zul is pretty much observant and didnt let anything slips his way...

After I submitted in my paper... its kinda easy you just yak away hahaha... just that you have to remember few scholars said what and what year... then some common sense questions...
so not bad I would say....

Now im blogging live from class hahaha....

And right after the class... what did I do? I head off to Singapore Chicken Rice shop which is the one in api-api centre.... I was starving since I havent yet had any lunch and its already 6.35pm .... Had fried chicken rice with fishball soup and Ice tea... yummers.... refreshing and now I am thinking of either go to the beach to catch the sunset or ... straight just back home and relax and catch some shut eyes since I havent had any for the past 2 days!!!! thanks to the midterm examinations.... and another one soon to come... urgh!!!!!

Wi-fi-ing here in the chicken rice shop hahaha
alrighty I am off back home hmm or the beach... hmmm or home... bah.. we shall see


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