
::My GossPals::

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WindBell New Look

After much comteplating yesterday .. I've decided that I cant take it anymore and that I had to go somewhere to eat.... So there I was driving... wondering where am I supposed to go and eat when then i thought heck let's go home first freshen up and then go out again...

reached home... then texted Sheila.. asked if she wanna join me and she said YES...
so the both of us... as usual head off for some steamboat! It has been awhile since we were there due to the renovation of that place... Amazingly, when we reached there... it's half done and the place is soooooooooooooooooo much nicer....

Was informed by Kak Elsid that there are now 3 owners of that place... A Chinese, An Indian and also An Australian.... amazing combination.... not only with the Chinese steamboat restaurant.. they are now extending the place soon to be build a bar and grill and also pizza parlor.... that place going to be a blast indeed... I can just pictured Islands in Thailand which is similar to that!!!! Good thinking I wouls say...

The food have had an added menu to it as well.... some of the items on the buffet steamboat are new... woohOoo I am so delighted...

Boil baby boil!!!!! Boil for mummy!!!!! YUMMERS!!!!!
We just chucked in basically everything... meat, fish meat, fishballs, vegetables, squid, toufu, many others... then closed it for about 5 minutes or so.. then viola!!!!!

It is ready to be eaten!!!!!! Let's dig in!!!!

Sheila just sit there quietly while enjoying her meal... as so do I... haha it has been ages since the last we are here... and the place now is air conditioned and the food is good.... I dont mind coming here everyday...

This is what's on our table.... lots of dishes indeed.... i just took some rice and noodles just for the sake of trying it out... and they have fish now serves besides the chicken and some mixed vegetables with toufu and squid in it... and of coz the ever famous chinese tea!!!! CHILLED!

Then comes the desert!!!!! I has two small bowl of that lemon grass.... It's not too sweet and it is to my liking.... the lemon grass been sliced into thin stringy shapes... makes it more delicious...

The new place looks like this.. the interior is nothing much yet... but I am sure soon there will be many things hanging on the wall and also many decor coming in... soon that is...

Two out of 3 new owners that we met during our meal there.... Fritz and err I cant remember what the other guys name is... anyway Fritz an australian but married to sabahan and been here for such a long time already.... he explained to us about the expansion and how they would have the pizza parlor right outside that window u can see... and also bar and grill.. OMG i cant wait!!!

Behind us would be tourist from Japan... Now I am glad I can understand japanese cause its so funny listening to their comments... They are so impressed with the food there and that it is tasty. They were talking about the food most of the time and that they haven't been there for a long time as well... now the place after the renovation looked totally different and that they are glad to be back.

That's our meal / dinner... and off we go to 1Borneo to catch a movie.... more on that on the other blog...


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