I am soooooooooo hungry and so dont know what to eat that I decided to head off to Putatan for a burger king.... since later on I am going to have to go to Mummy's place for our assignments...
Menu of the day would be:

I guess that would do the trick today....
But I noticed something... I think the price of burger king is increasing from time to time... I wonder if they would sustain their business here in Sabah ... the competition between them and KFC and McDonalds are pretty much heated and yet they increasing their price... hmmmmmm Interesting thoughts...
Alrighty I know having fast food is not good for health but having it in moderate and once in a while is Ok i guess...
Menu of the day would be:

I guess that would do the trick today....
But I noticed something... I think the price of burger king is increasing from time to time... I wonder if they would sustain their business here in Sabah ... the competition between them and KFC and McDonalds are pretty much heated and yet they increasing their price... hmmmmmm Interesting thoughts...
Alrighty I know having fast food is not good for health but having it in moderate and once in a while is Ok i guess...
dang...now u make me lapar...