
::My GossPals::

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Stress-releasing Day with Friends

The initial plan was just... from college to head to the bank... and duplicate my keys then send them back or a round of tea.... but *ehem* knowing me.. the plan keeps changing.. so what did we do after we left the college compound?

We ladies actually head off to the karaoke.. just to released some stressful thoughts in mind after having sat for a test today...

(Kristina is singing her heart out)

(Kristina, Caroline, Anis -- the triage... )

We ladies just had an hour blast there before we started roaming around 1Borneo... we dont actually have any destination.. was just adoring the Christmas decoration at the center court of 1Borneo... and oh.. snapping out pictures away...

Told ya we love Christmas.. and the trees and *ehem* if there's any luck the presents too... wonder am I getting any this year...

After all the walking, Kristina pointed a massaging chair and told me that this is what they normally do.. so I tried it out... RM1 for 3 minutes.. and OMG... at first its darn ticklish and slight pain but then it became an addictions... RM1 to another to another... i actually spent RM3 just to be in that chair and being massaged by it.. how nice... Dont be surprise if the next time around U are in 1Borneo and see me sitting and getting my massage over the weekend with a book in my hand hehe... I'm hooked!

Then Kristina is just letting the steam off... not knowing what to do.. trying to look cute posing with a poster hahahaha what a day to end it...

Then off to U.A to duplicate my keys and ate keropok lekor yummers....

Oh by the way 1 of the 3 keys aint working!!! Grrr had to go back tomorrow to get it fixed!


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