
::My GossPals::

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Well Spent Christmas Eve

Alrighty... It was Christmas Eve and as usual I have no idea what to do or where to go... After my appointment--- So i've decided finally I would go to the Post Office and collect my parcel the one that was sent by my aunt... Thanks so much my dearest, cutest, slimmest aunt in the whole wide world... and yes I've GOT IT ...

It was almost the closing time when I reached the post office.. at first not sure whether its closed or not I just walked pass it... then saw someone went in.. I follow suit... Got the package then head back out... as simple as that...

I then saw KK Plaza... now its just situated next to the post office or should I say posterior to the post office... I thought what the heck I havent been there.. why not I check it out... Plus I need a pair of sandals anyway... so Off I go...

The place itself.. well how would I say this... SHABBY? not that interesting i would say.. not many things you can get there but... still.. there are something and yes I finally got my sandals there... and its a nice one.. ufff I totally forgotten to snap pictures of it.. soon.. coming soon...

Right after, I've been meaning to trimmed my hair for weeks now... and seeing that I am off to Papar the next coming week after Christmas I thought.. well why not do it now... plus I have time to spare.. so I did....

Sat down.. and suddenly was attended by a very petite little boy... *giggles* believe it or not I was so darn nervous... I actually asked him "how long have you been doing this?" "you sure you know how to cut?" "Dont just simply cut ... or else I mengamuk (livid)" hahaha I cant believe Ive said that to him.. he just asked me how would I like my hair to be cut.. kesian that boy...
He is just 20 years old?!?!? 20?!?!?!?! I would have guess that he is 15/16....

Done with that ... I'm all stressed out due to not knowing what to do.. so I need my "de-stressor" where else if its not at Starbuck!

I think after an hour being there it pours cats and dogs... scary looking wind blowing outside... as ALWAYS... i do have my reading material with me.. and yes this would be the previous 2 weeks new material which I have yet to finished it... almost to the end already but darn it! I didnt manage to finished it up still yesterday...

I was joined by Connie and 2 of her friends (which is now my new found friends.... ) How sweet...
ALL I ASK FOR CHRISTMAS was NOT TO BE ALONE and here I am been granted with 2 new friends! THANK U GOD.. Alhamdulillah...

Since all of us are starving... I suggested LITTLE KITCHEN but to my disbelieved its CLOSED~ haish!!!... so off we go to LIKAS... to Restaurant EDDIE... for a chicken chop! It was scrumptious meal indeed!

The two guys were very much friendly and at ease ... so am I... not easy to warm up to someone that fast.. but I guess we have it in us all... one is known as KD -- was told by Connie both are models... impressive i guess..

They just sat for 5 hours rebonding their hair... and now with that new hair we are definitely at restaurant filling up our tummy...

Connie would keep asking me "oit Kay picture ba.... " hahaha got new hair means picture la? haish this woman!

This KD guy: well i would say he is a chatter box comparing him to the other friend. I like the tone of his voice actually... very much soothing I would say. He is very articulate and observant that is what I've noticed about him.. but... he tends to talk to much hahaha (pardon me for being honest) -- I am not saying its a bad thing.. but when you are having a meal... grrr.... eat babe.. eat...

Then we proceed to his place to play some card games... interesting enough ... but sadly I still dont know how to play.. I have the idea but am rather be and observer.. plus I had coffee and shy to tell them that I was so dang sleepy... Oh and I met another new friend Shed ... who is pretty much curious about what I do for living haha... (shhhhh -- certain chapter in ones life meant to be hidden and a secret)

KD is sweet enough to lend me the casing for the contact lenses since my eyes is turning red... (a reminder to self: U need to return it ASAP~!) and since Im sooooooo sleepy I dont dare to drive.. so I crashed at his place... he is sweet enough to be accommodating.. otherwise, I would be sleeping in the car...

Anyhow, that's the story of my Christmas Eve... Nothing fancy like if im back in KL with the rest of the guys... but still I have had a good one...


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