
::My GossPals::

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mandarin Class 25/4/09

Time flies.... indeed....

This morning I attended my last class for Mandarin... and this is our final semester for it... We are graduating!!! (applicable for language class only)... I cant believe it...
All those hard work we've been putting in for the past 2 years almost comes to an end next month when we will be sitting for our final examination!!!!


Today, Laoshi was a little gloomy... at first I didnt understand why.. then I came to realised that it is our last class together... gosh... everyone was sooooooooooooooo not in the mood... especially when Laoshi thought us another song... "the seperation song"

Suddenly, an inspiration of a poetry lark in my mind.... this is to our dearest Sir... Mr. Stephen Yong...

For your kind attention... we will miss you
For your heart felt kindness... we will cherish you
For your undivided care... we will always keep you dear to our heart...

Even though time envy us...
Even the earth shakes...
Even the music plays no tune...

Your thought, your sincerity, your kindness
Your reminder, your words, your stories....
That all will linger amongst us...
That all will breathe new air...
That will be our pillar of support...

If only I can put it in words of your care
If only I can spell it in alphabet of your advices
If only I can sketch it in pictures of our chapters...

From the bottom of my heart....
From the deepest bottom of my heart.... full with gladness...
Full with humbleness... full with love....
And the only word that lingers to be said
forevermore to you Laoshi...


Even though we might be far apart....
But you will always be in our heart....

Xie Xie Ni...
Women Hen Ai Ni....


Hua Hui Diaoxie
Ren Hui Fen Li
Dan Yuan Youyi Bu Bian
Ge Chang Youyi Wansui Wansui
Ge Chang Youyi Wansui
Zhu Ni Qiantu Chuan Ming Wuxian
Zaijian Dajia Zaijian...

(Stephen Yong, PPIB - 09')

The last song that he thought us ... such a sad song... a farewell number... which brings tears to most of us....

The First Part....

The Second Part....

The Final bits!!!

Once again... our greatest heartfelt gratitude to our Laoshi Mr. Stephen Yong... for his care, attention and knowledge that we've shared thruout our journey in learning Mandarin...


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