
::My GossPals::

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Massive Jam

Gosh I just had to take my camera out when I was stucked earlier on in a massive traffic jam along more or less 5KM stretch! It's crazy and the car moves sooooooooo darn slow...

At first I thought there might be an accident or the road workers just drilling again.. but boy oh boy was I wrong.... In Sabah and the jam is that long!!! It's horrific!!!

I went grocery shopping today! bought so many things!!! and most of them are not on the list! yet again! hahahaha.... but thank god I didnt stop for another cup of pure vanilla ice blended... was so tempted to do so.. but naaah next time...

Well talking about Jammed road in Malaysia.... I guess the wider the road made.. the horrifying the jam would be! Don't you agree with me... One of the reason too why i left KL and flew all the way here to KK. In KL especially at peak hours... it's a nightmare indeed!

Wish there are not many cars on the road... then less polluted air we have... and less accidents!!!

But honestly I dont get it... why is that, the better the road condition and the width even worst traffic it will caused?!?!?!?


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