It's the second paper today that we faced.... But what a real disappointment... I so feel like breaking down and cry my heart out right now... I hate it when I didnt do well in an examinations. I hate it so much that Ive been studying so hard yet I cant answer some of the questions rightly... It is like nothing registered in my brain of what Ive read yesteday!!!

It was Gastrointestinal System's paper... For some reason there are many confusing questions with multiple correct answer... What on earth are they doing?!?!?! Making our lives miserable to be cracking our head so much in the exam hall?!?!?!
That is why I hate objective questions.... I would prefer to write rather than shade the boxes for the correct answer... I do believe in medicine.. there is no absolute answer.. just trial and error!

Recieved a call from Mother just now.. and she said -- "Don't think about it much love... I know you, you'll stressed urself out thinking about it... and pondering why cant you do it right... It's ok to be imperfect... It's ok to make mistakes... It's ok if you didnt do well as long as you give it your all" ... with just that tears roll down my cheeks... How is that simple words just cracks open my tear gate....
I know I've put too much in everything that I did... especially my study... To not be able to deliver is such a disapointment.. I dont know how can I just think like others.. [if i dont do well.. it's ok.. just pass me and let me continue with the next semester]... I cant think like that!! I wonder why... was it that I think too much? or I expect too much out of myself... of me being wanting to excel than others...
No one ever tells me how to live my life... I have been growing up picking bits and pieces... being independent since Im a little girl... not wanting to trouble anyone.. not wanting to receive any help.. just give give give give and give... maybe that is why... one of the reason that I cant accept it when I didnt do well..
Tomorrow will be the last paper before the Clinical Exams... I do wish beyond wishes that I will do well to compensate what I didnt do today....
Gosh I wish I have someone with me right now to just hold me and say that everything is alright...and that I will be loved no matter what... and that I have strong pillar that I can lean on...
oh and I need my stress reliever.... ICE BLENDED VANILLA "PURE" @ COFFEE BEAN!!!! that would definitely cheer me up

It was Gastrointestinal System's paper... For some reason there are many confusing questions with multiple correct answer... What on earth are they doing?!?!?! Making our lives miserable to be cracking our head so much in the exam hall?!?!?!
That is why I hate objective questions.... I would prefer to write rather than shade the boxes for the correct answer... I do believe in medicine.. there is no absolute answer.. just trial and error!

Recieved a call from Mother just now.. and she said -- "Don't think about it much love... I know you, you'll stressed urself out thinking about it... and pondering why cant you do it right... It's ok to be imperfect... It's ok to make mistakes... It's ok if you didnt do well as long as you give it your all" ... with just that tears roll down my cheeks... How is that simple words just cracks open my tear gate....

Gosh I wish I have someone with me right now to just hold me and say that everything is alright...and that I will be loved no matter what... and that I have strong pillar that I can lean on...
oh and I need my stress reliever.... ICE BLENDED VANILLA "PURE" @ COFFEE BEAN!!!! that would definitely cheer me up
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Thanks for your message... Have a pleasant day