Anyway... 18 chapters to go for tomorrow's paper and I realised yet again I havent had my dinner.. so I thought of satay since the other day Kimi, Cindy and Ivan went out for some (with bunch of other friends) and I didnt manage to join them... I crave for some...
Saw Connie online and thought what the heck.. why not!! So off we go to Tjg Aru.. (err not as if there are many places with satay here in K.K)
Menu for the night:-
- Keropok Lekor
- Satay Ayam with Nasi Impit
- Bontot Ayam (I dont know how you eat this.. haiyaa)
- Chicken & Fries
- Mee basah ayam
- Pineapple Juice (I Love!!!)
- ABC Special

Skipping the rest of the story but I can tell you one thing... this Connie.. haiyaaaa see la.. she is so happy eating her food till she spilled many of it on the table.. So COMOT this cute gal hahahaha... and she loves the bontot ayam... I cant bring myself to eat that.. did try but OMG... its ridiculous tasting (to me at least) -- I know my mom would give me the stare if she reads this hahaha she loves it too...

Ooooh the best is yet to come... after we finished our meals... head back to my car... and from away we saw this one figure standing by the road sign... sooooo "lembut" (softy) if you know what I mean... There's a stylish look aka model style of standing eventho he is leaning against the pole... but it's funny.. I cant resist it.. asked Connie to help out and snapped the picture... and u can see it down there.. I wonder what is he doing?
- Waiting for someone aka friends?
- Networking *ehem*?
- selling something precious?
- or the taxi cant even see him in the dark standing there by the pole sexily?
anyway... it was a satisfying dinner.. and my brain and stomach is fed .. and now I have to send katamzz back home and I have to dig my nose back into my 18th chapters...

"Sometimes ones body language tells many stories... eventho its in the dark ... "
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