
::My GossPals::

Sunday, November 28, 2010

November Scribbled Poem

Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see
The gentle voice that seeps into your heart
The soft touch that sends trembles down your spine
The light glance that melt your heart away...

Sometimes you can be mesmerized by everyone you see
The slight moves of their body
The gliding steps of their walk
The sweet smiles they carve on that lovely features

Sometimes you can be smitten by everyone you see
The correct spoken words at the correct moment
The right action at the right time
The truthful act at the right seconds

Sometimes you can be just wrong
cause that smile might not meant for you
cause that glace might not meant for you
cause the action might not meant for you

Reality can at times hurts
But its better than being hallucinating...
Its better than hoping for something with no ending
Its better than anything

Savor the moment
Live the minute
Love the seconds
For memories of it belongs to you
and none others....


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