
::My GossPals::

Monday, April 11, 2011

First Day @ QEH

Alrighty... First day in QEH. Well am early so where do ones head off when she gets to that one place early? None other than the canteen for breakfast... Here i am waiting for other to reached. Not sure what to expect. Oh and one of the c.i. approached me asking to carry her bag. Huh? She says that she had to headback to the college to get the nametag for us! Y not sooner and y only today? Are they not prepared at all? I thought being in the meds field you need to be prepared for everything. I guess today would just be the orientation day... Walking around the hospital. Getting familiarized with the new environment. One month im sure will passed so easily and soon. Oh and the bag that i had to carry OMG! Its heavy! Alrighty enough with that now i need to focus lots of thing to do in short period of time. Will update u later.

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