
::My GossPals::

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

True Friend

I love you,
but I am not your lover.

I care for you,
but I am not from your family.

I am ready to share your pain,
but not blood relation.
I am your True...

A True Friend:
Scolds like a DAD...

Cares like a MOM...

Teases like a SISTER...

Irritates like a BROTHER...

And loves you more than a LOVER.


I am missing my deary beloved friends in and out of Malaysia at this present moments... I do hope you guys are doing well.. I know some of your pictures are not on here... but you know who you are.. I dont have to put up a picture to tell you all that you are my dearest friends... right? if u disagree tell me then ur picture will be up there somewhere....

Guys, Ive been out of touch for so long... soon.. gimme another 2 more years.. and Im sure back traveling and enjoying life to the fullest and be hanging out with u guys always.. I PROMISE... ((( Errr that is if im not migrating)))

Know always that I miss you!!!! BLESSED BE


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