
::My GossPals::

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Open Fracture (Comminuted Fracture)

Hello again..
First and foremost .. I would like to thank you for spending time at my site.. really I just blog what I thought I wanted to let you all know.
SOooo.. what's happening in my life lately?

Ive been assigned to do a case study!!
The case which Ive assigned to was a 23 y.o male who suffers from an open fracture.
This young man was very much chirpy and cooperative when I approached him and I feel at ease in asking him anything...

The incident happen around 5.30pm when he was holding tyre of a lorry while the friend was pumping the air into it. I think he went overboard and the tyre burst. Pieces of the metal hit his left leg and punctured it. The impact broken his TIBIA bone .... thank god its only his left leg and not other part of his body.


This is what's in his case not.. diagnosed by the Ortho surgeon... and he then went for Emergency Op... for Wound Exploration, Wound Debridement and External Fixation under the spinal anesthesia....

This is the outcome...

He stayed in the hospital for about 10 days and then requested to go back home. i guess life in the hospital is rather boring. i doubt I wanna stay in the hospital that long too if given any choices.

So this is my case... and i just finished writing my case study report and done my power point presentation which needed to be presented tomorrow... gosh WISH ME LUCK!

Oh .. cant show you to picture of my patient cause that would be so wrong unless I have his permission which i know i will get it if I only ask... anyhow... this would do...


DON'T OVER DO IT!!!! -- pump air into a tyre.. sure .. but too much of it... it'll go KABOOM and gosh ... who knows what's going to happen next...


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