
::My GossPals::

Friday, January 28, 2011

Upper Repiratory Tract Infaction

A virus attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh what can I say for the past 3 days Ive not been able to head to the hospital for work. I was diagnosed with URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) ... I guess I got it during my week in Children's ward... haish!!! life as a medical professional is never easy.. that is why for those people who think that medical professionals is lazy and what so ever.. THINK AGAIN! U should be thankful that we all jeopardizing our life to ensure your health!

alrighty... let's learn something at least shall we? what's URTI?

URTI is actually an illnesses caused by acute infection that involves the upper respiratory tract. Now for those of you who didnt know what constitute URT, it would be NOSE, SINUSES, PHARYNX, LARYNX.
So the common illnesses that usually connected with it would be -- to name a few: pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media and the normal cold that we have.

If u do have URTI, the common symptoms would normally covers cough, sore throat, running nose, nasal congestion, headache, fever, facial pressure and sneezing. Usually begins 1-3 days after the exposure to the pathogen and normally lasts 7 to 10 days...


The treatment normally would definitely be ANTIBIOTICS for the course of a week or two depending on the severity as well. Some Dr. would prescribe decongestants and some would supply you with Vitamin C.

make sure u take the antibiotic at the right time always and not to skip any of it. ITS IMPORTANT! Drink lots of WARM WATER.... not COFFEE! WARM PLAIN WATER!

and if by the end of the 10 days it still persist.. headback to the Dr. incase there's new symptoms that crops up during healing period...

NOW... enough with educating...
Gosh my throat feels like it has a steak knife in it slicing thru each and everytime i cough.. and mind you this cough is not the usual cough... its very much productive... im surprised myself!. and fever at night just kills me... all my joints hurt like hell.. but I just wish this one week of holidays that we have would be good to me and i can be cured by monday the next coming week!!! I need to head back to work!!!!! I shall be going to the Maternity next~! and there I cant afford to be sick!!!! everything there is delicate and hypersensitive.


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