
::My GossPals::

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Working Life is Papar Hospital

It has been awhile since the last I jot down about my living in Papar. Well here's an update. Im still feeling a little chesty from the pneumonia that I've been diagnosed with. Irregardless, still am happy there even though its tiring. All I can say that, being a nurse is not as easy as anyone would perceived it would be. First thing being it is so challenging, dealing with patients is no jokes and gosh each patient with their own attitudes and own desires which can actually drives you up the wall.

However, being in the O&G department for the past 2 weeks taught me alot. MOSTLY, taught me to appreciate mother!! Its so not easy to actually give birth and hell you basically fighting with unseen devil! Its horrifying. If only the man are allowed to see what we've seen, I guess majority would be more appreciative of women. The pain that had to be endured and the time limitation when THE time has come... gosh.. its a race against time indeed.

SO PLEASE!!! I BEG ALL OF YOU... be it YOUNG or OLD... be appreciative towards your MOTHER!!!

Today, Ive been running here there and everywhere. From the female ward to the male ward helping out and then to the maternity... and last but not least to Out patient Department. The numbers of people who're suffering from Hypertension is devastating! I pity those who are being ignorant and dont wanna be in the know what would be the consequences of Hypertension if left untreated. DONT WAIT! GET SOME TREATMENT!!

Do you know if u left your hypertension untreated that it would leads to aneurysm and that would definitely send u into a shocking stroke once it's ruptured and into coma finally death?


Alrighty... I have another 3 weeks to go before I head back to the college for final exams and then OSCE.. and head back out again for my clinical practice. I do hope I did well.. but with my health is not so stable still -- I appreciate the Clinical Instructors who have been very much understanding and coorperative -- I just hope and wish beyond wishes that I will finished it with a good marks ahead!.


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