
::My GossPals::

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lazy or ignorance?

A friend of mine recently had a fall and broke his ankle... well thank god its just only the ankle.. having a fall down the stairs for all you know u might break your neck and be paralyzed. (that is the worst case scenario)...

anyhow.... he posted this on his FB and I just had to asked him to have this picture in my blog.. WHY?

because... know what we all medical personnel knows.. this is ONE HELL OF AN UGLY BANDAGING! ....
Nurses are known to be very timid and very much proper person who likes to see things neat and tidy.. but this shows otherwise. hence, I just had to post it on the blog to explain that not all nurses work the same way. Perhaps this one was done by the junior or most sr. ones. It's always that way...

I cant even determine whether they wanted to do a 'figure of 8' or 'spiral' bandaging...

and this is in a PRIVATE HOSPITAL.. where you pay whole lot of money to be taken care of. Now as a patient you have the right to ask for a better service and if you are not satisfied just tell them NICELY! and they will re-bandage it for you.. UNLESS.. its not that private ones and we have far too many patients to attend to.

When you have fracture.. remember to
1) elevate the affected areas

2) keep those dressing clean and clear (if any discharged/ foul smell/ itchiness/ tightness) informed the Dr/nurses immediately

3) moves the distal frequently

4) if you are CRIB - remember to do exercises on the NOT AFFECTED limb...
5) Cooperate it all Physiotherapy session (its hard at the beginning but soon it will be smooth sailing)

6) Use the crutches... avoid putting on weight on the affected area... we dont want to worsen it...

7) if the pain is unbearable - asked for Kyro bandaging (COLD) -- only if necessary

8) also is the pain is unbearable -- don't forget to get the analgesic...

9) make sure your temperature not spiking up... if you have fever it can means an infection somewhere...

anything out of the abnormality... INFORM THE DR./NURSES.

Anyway, lesson of the day would be.. KNOW UR RIGHT AS A PATIENT!
But at the same time don't be too harsh on us medical personnel :)

Oh and I.Christ, Get well soon...


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