
::My GossPals::

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lepaking @ Ibu's

Friends sometimes asked me... "So, what do you do when you have much of a free time in hand?"... the answer is simple... I would go to my God Mom's place in Kinarut which is next to the old folks home and just hang out there for few hours... or sometimes even a sleep over... that is if I have got no other plan.

We sometimes tend to forget those who not that close to us. So we just wait till the time that person call and ask us when we coming...

why not take an effort to actually go and visit.. it can be anyone at all.. be it ur parents, your siblings, your relatives.... we just need to appreciate what we have... while we have it.. while we are still alive... cause you never know.. sometimes the person u discarded the most would turned out to be the person that help you the most in the future. IF ONLY WE CAN SEE THE FUTURE.

I dont choose my friends and those who wanted to befriended me... Im not racist either but I do have my dislikes to certain individuals due to certain reasons.... Hence, be it poor or rich.. powerful or powerless, high up on the pedestal or just down on the grown... I will accept them for who they are.

Kak Long and Ibu...chatting away while im watching HOUSE M.D on the television.... what a lazy day!

oSo... when I go missing... my usual place would be either the Beach... or cinema somewhere watching god knows what movies.... or places where Im comfortable at.... :)

Being home alone all the time is not healthy! You need to interact.. but DONT OVER DO IT!


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